How to start - and keep - a fulfilling relationship with a woman

(Knowing what she really wants)

A small sample of the many questions our book will answer:

  How do I flirt with sophistication and success?
What does a woman really want from a man?
Which flirt strategies work?
How do I win my dream woman?
How does a bachelor or a guy in a stable     

   relationship make himself into a hero for women?
What kind of tips to help me to really understand        

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This book is written by men for men who are seeking serious success with women. Over the course of these pages we will describe how you can make yourself into a hero, which should appeal to any woman who wants a hero in her life. And one thing’s for sure: Most women want a hero in their lives, even if they don’t admit it at first. For your journey to herodom, we will equip you with the knowledge, as well as strategies and handy tips, to allow you to understand the world of women and to navigate it with total confidence. Any man can win over any woman if he approaches her as a hero. The information in this book will help create mutual and long-term fascination between you and the woman you want, which means it’s also valuable for men who are already in a stable relationship. You will understand the importance of the male-female interplay that exists between life partners as well. Furthermore, when women read this book, they will see the world of men in a new light, allowing them deeper appreciation of what it’s like to be a member of the opposite sex. They will get an idea of the wonderful potential awaiting them if they welcome a man into their lives as a hero.

This book is for all the single men who’d like to know how to win the heart of a woman. This book should also be interesting to men who are already in a stable relationship. And thirdly, this book is for all women who want to learn more about what it’s like to be a man, and, more specifically, about a man’s transformation into a hero, for you are ultimately the inspiration for this journey!

You men have probably read many books about it, spoken with friends about it and received all sorts of advice about it from God and the world. However, this advice is usually based on people’s personal opinions, their personal experiences or on the new values of our society. But this is often not required to really click with a woman. Although women readers may on first glance take the book to be some sort of macho creed and tell you that it’s all a load of nonsense, they secretly know that it is exactly what they want for themselves. Even if they don’t admit it, forever slumbering inside them is the urge to have a man at their side, a man who knows her secret and can reveal it with a certain charm. The cliché of the hero as a knight in shining armor is still current and functions superbly in today’s world; we just switch out the shining armor for cars, watches, money and real estate. This principle can be applied with any woman, and works even when you or she treats it merely superficially. A woman wants a hero because it turns her on; just like for us with women, the same things are always a turn-on.

This book will provide you with the ultimate tips for turning yourself into hero. If you surrender to the knowledge such that it becomes an integral part of you, women will see you in a different light, and you will become an appealing prospect for them. And this, dear reader, has absolutely nothing to do with being good-looking. For a woman, the inner – in the truest sense of the word – qualities are more important than for us men, which has genetic relevance that we will illustrate later in this book. This is not to say that you should throw on a greasy T-shirt reeking of dank sweat and start chatting up women with a piece of garlic bread in your cheek. You’re a hero, and a hero also has good style, or at least can be coached to have good style. Yet keep in mind that it may take a certain amount of time before a woman perceives you as a hero. Don’t expect that after reading this book women will start gathering around you in droves. You first have to train your heroism and find out for yourself what works best for you. It could easily take a few months before you’ve found success. So, don’t lose patience; after all, we’re talking about the most wonderful creatures on the planet – that’s certainly worth a little daily or weekly training. Is it not? And also keep in mind that you will now be advancing deeper and deeper into the world of women, and penetrating or breaching a barrier they have created for themselves as protection. For many women this will at first be unpleasant, and they may become dismissive, snippy or even slightly aggressive. Don’t take these reactions personally, but rather as a sign that you’re on the right path, a path that will require perseverance. Don’t pressure a woman, which is not to say that you shouldn’t approach her and express your interest in her. However, the jackhammer method is to be avoided. This barrier of hers should be dismantled piece by piece. Stay cool and read this book again; upon your second, third and fourth readings you will acquire new expertise with which to better understand the complex world of a woman. And to those of you who have never read the same book two, three or four times, there’s no need to work up a sweat. We, the authors of this book, are also men. And hey, since when do men ever use more words than necessary? In other words, we have written only as much as you need to know for your journey to herodom. Have fun along the way and above all have an awesome time with the wonderful woman, or women, you meet on the road to becoming a hero.

Before you make your way into the wonderful world of women, you should be aware of the primary elements of your own life as well as that of women. Even if it sounds corny or generally implausible to make such a statement about life in modern society, we all still function according to the same genetic principle as that of our ancestors. Over many thousands of years, nature developed a perfect connection between a man and a woman that continues to this day. The innate behavior of humans is still based on the genetic programming of millennia ago. The years we have spent in what we call civilization have been too few to allow for a rewrite of our genetic programming. By now, at least, we expect to hear outcry from “modern” men and emancipated women; after all, who today is keen to think of themselves as an early Homo sapiens? Well, the good news is: We’re not all that different now than we were back then! All the things a “modern” man does today to please a woman tend to backfire. Any man who thinks he’s going to win a mate for the long haul by playing the woman whisperer, the sensitive type or a girl’s best friend is sorely mistaken. The big problem in today’s world are the aftereffects of yesteryear’s emancipation. The idea behind emancipation has been to liberate women from the oppression of men. In our current, modern society, this has largely been achieved. Women now have the same rights as men and emancipation has empowered women in a number of ways at the societal level – all wonderful developments. But the equality of men and women does not function at the genetic level. For both women and men, this equality becomes unattractive in the long term, as everything that creates appeal in a man or a woman is increasingly upstaged. Equalization also gradually extinguishes all elements of sexual attraction. The women who promulgated emancipation and the women who have grown up with it sense more and more that they are sabotaging themselves as they gain fulfillment in their lives. Be aware that emancipation at the genetic level stands in the way of a man and woman sharing a truly harmonious life. Women today still react to ancient masculine attributes when a man deploys them in relation to a woman, as these impulses are rooted deep within us. Nevertheless, this does not give you license to comport yourself like a Neanderthal. Your journey to becoming a hero is now set to begin!

The first step is to rediscover your purely masculine side. Emancipation has made many attributes of masculinity undesirable and many women now miss them in their lives. Women still want the hunter, the man who will protect them and cast a Shadow over them. Even if they deny it, they harbor the inner wish that you, a man, will see through this ruse and breach their barrier. It’s a way for a woman to test your masculinity, for she is operating on a genetic level, where security, protection and trust are the highest currency. In today’s society, a man prone to flight in response to a woman’s simple verbal or emotional tricks is most unattractive in her eyes. A woman can only start a meaningful relationship with a man if he gives her something she can’t give herself, and this has to do with more than just sexuality. The women of our ancestors had no protection from the elements of nature and it was much more difficult for them (and their children) to survive without a man. A woman thus selects her man very carefully. Consciously or unconsciously she evaluates whether you can still give her these masculine virtues in today’s world, which would land her on the safe side. As you will soon learn, if you haven’t already, a woman’s ancient genetic programing is liable to rear its head at any moment.

At this point, it’s prudent to consider the argument that a woman in today’s society earns her own money and with full independence has a wonderful, problem-free existence, even if she has children. This is indeed the case, yet in this scenario a woman must fill multiple roles. She simultaneously takes on a woman’s tasks as well as those of a man, which logically leads to a double burden. In the long run it is exhausting for a woman to simultaneously fill the roles of both a woman and a man, even if she won’t admit it. Men were created by nature to be available to a woman to carry out certain tasks. We men are here to implement their wishes and develop or invent things to unburden or improve their lives. We would gladly crawl through the mud for a woman, build houses for her and carry her in our arms. A woman’s acknowledgment of our masculinity spurs us on tremendously, preparing us, with nary a whimper, to perform for her even more. And by the way, a woman responds similarly when recognized for her femininity.

Keep in mind that even an independent and self-confident woman is waiting for the hero who will breach her barrier. Once you begin your life as a heroic man with the knowledge presented here, a woman can again become only a woman and liberate herself from her self-imposed double role. From this point on you will experience a new and radiant woman, the likes of which you perhaps have never yet known. Whether you’re still dating or already in a relationship, if you succeed in giving a woman this precise feeling, you have already become a hero for her!

Now, let’s get your heroic journey underway. You can use your newly gained knowledge of your fundamental instincts in exercises and training. There are many, little, everyday situations in which women assume – or want to assume – the role of the man. It’s here that you can take your first strides, which constitute not only a show of politeness, but also an expression of your newfound masculinity.

Let’s start with the classic example of holding the door open. You’ve probably learned that at a restaurant you should hold open the door for a woman to allow her to enter first. In this case, the woman walks into the venue unprotected and, in our example, is exposed to the glances and maybe even stares of many other men and women. For a woman, it feels much better if you enter the restaurant first, but also hold the door for her, of course. This is but a minor detail in the grand scheme, but already a woman can again feel like a woman, as she does not have to worry about what to expect in the big unknown. Or, if a woman grabs the second shopping bag and wants to carry it back home as a sign of equality, take it out of her arms! It’s that simple. Even if she protests, just take it from her and carry both. Women like clear and affirmative masculine behavior, even if they usually won’t admit it, but it can take a while until they fully accept it. This may test your stamina, but for her it will sometimes be a welcome state of affairs. Your masculine behavior makes a woman feel safe, and above all it gives her a sense of security in everything she does and all that she hopes to do with you. Establish masculine dependability in your life; it creates the basis for a woman to count on you and to know that you’ll be there for her when it comes to bigger and more important tasks. With an unreliable or effete man, a woman must again think for two, and she gets trapped back in her double role, which makes you unattractive to her for a long-term relationship. Once you embrace the effect of the masculinity in your actions towards a woman, you have accomplished the first step to becoming a hero.

About the authors

Mathieu Laurent & Vincent Paul

We, Mathieu Laurent & Vincent Paul, have been working for many years as life coaches and have coached countless people to, into and through relationships. We conducted many face-to-face conversations with women, because we wanted to know what a woman really wants from a man. How does she want a man to act? What does a woman like? How do we men communicate effectively with a woman? This book lays out everything you need to know about women.

Mathieu Laurent

What's inside

Become a Hero for Women - and create real difference between you and all the other guys out there.
You’ve probably read lots of books about how you can win a woman, and perhaps you’ve heard lots of advice from friends. But the biggest problem men face is that most of us have no idea how women really think, or what’s important to them in a man.
For many men, women are a mystery - a mystery we unwind in this book, as we explain to you how women tick. We reveal the genuine, deeply rooted elements of your being that will give you long-term success with women. If you desire a deep-seated relationship and want to know how to create a lasting, fantastic and inspiring life with a woman after your initial flirtation, then you will find the answers here in this book.

Just click the Buy Now button and start your heroic journey to the heart of a woman.

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For a woman, a heroic man is like winning the lottery, and our coaching book shows you the all-encompassing path to becoming a hero.
(Keep in mind that even an independent and self-confident woman is waiting for a hero.)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. The Basis of Our Actions

3. Your Thinking

4. The Purpose of a Relationship

5. Strategies for Meeting Women

6. What to Do If You Already Have Money

7. Online Dating

8. Seducing Your Dream Woman

9. The Secret of the Shadow

10. Tips

11. A Shout-out to the Women

12. Acknowledgments

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